Leadership & Governance
SANGRAM (Sangathita Gramunnayan Karmosuchi) was established in 1985 as an independent local NGO in Bangladesh. SANGRAM is dedicated to promote, assist, and protect the rights and choices of the people, particularly those who are poor, most impoverished, and from the marginal community. The organization is also committed to ensuring the beneficiaries’ participation in buildup individuals’ capacity within the working area. SANGRAM has three organizational structure like a General Body; is the supreme authority of the organization. The General body members elect a 7 (seven) member’s Executive Committee (EC) for three years to execute its programs and policies. Executive Director as the member-secretary of EC is responsible for the overall administration, management, and execution of the project under the Executive body’s guidance.
Organizational Structure
SANGRAM is operated as per approved constitutions of the organization. It owns three types of organizational structure:
- General Body
- Executive Committee
- General Administration.
Executive Committee

Md. Jahangir Hossen

Chowdhury Moriam

Aminur Rahaman

Md. Abdur Rob

Md. Anowar Hossain

Ms. Ferdowsi

Jakia Begum
General Body

Md. Jahangir Hossen
Vice Principal
Patharghata Degree College, Patharghata

Md. Abdur Rob
Assistance Professor
Patharghata Degree College, Patharghata

Ms. Firoza Chowdhury
Patharghata Municipality Patharghata

Golam Mostafa Chowdhury
Bangladesh Fishing Boat Owner Association, Barguna

Md. Faruk Hossain
Chowdhury Masum TBM College, Patharghata

Md. Belal Hossain
Social Worker
Abdul Quader Sarak Barguna

Md. Anowar Hossain
Head Master
Baynchotki High School, Barguna

Ms. Dilshad Jahan Mitu
Social Worker
Hospital Road, Patharghata

Ms. Ferdowsi
Cultural Activist

Aminur Rahman
National Book Publisher's Association

Chowdhuri Mohammad Masun
Social Worker
Patharghata Bander, Patharghata, Barguna

Ms. Kniz Fatema Bina
Assistance Head Master
Patharghata Girls High School, Patharghata

Md. Ismail Hossain
Social Worker
Nazrul Islam Sarak, Barguna

Md. Ziaul Karim
Syed Fazlul Haque Degree College

Ms. Chowdhury Moriam
Social Worker
Patharghata Upazila Parishad, Patharghata

Chowdhuri Md. Faruk
Social Worker
Patharghata Pourosova, Patharghata

Ms. Rowshon Jahan Munni
Barguna TBM College, Barguna

Ms. Aysha Siddika
Patharghata Degree College, Patharghata

Suborna Mostofa Sathi
Social Worker
Sahid Smrity Sarak , Barguna

Md. Abdul Mannan
Rtd. BGB Officer

Ms. Jakia Begum