Chaudhuri Mohammad Masum

Chaudhuri Mohammad Masum was born in a noble Muslim family on 1st February 1956 in Kakchira Union of Patharghata Upazila. Father Alhaj Habibur Rahman Chowdhury, the first graduate of Patharghata upazila under Barguna district and mother Alhaj¦ Samsunnahar Chowdhury. His father passed BA from Barisal Braj Mohan (BM) College and worked as a teacher in Pirojpur Keamuddin High School. Later he served as the headmaster of Noli High School in Barguna Sadar. He never saw poverty in his lifetime. He did not understand the suffering of poverty. Still, he used to look at the old man lying on the side of the road with pitying eyes. He used to build a hole in his heart. Even if he did not hold the market bag of his own house, he held the old man's bag, became the support of the helpless person. Whose thought was humanity, had the desire to open the success of the helpless person. He has built a development organization 'Sangram' with the success of his work even from the secluded countryside. The struggle that once became the power of the helpless people who ate rice starch. This struggle of his helped him to establish various service institutions. Established as the best co-operative, educationist and social worker of the district. Whose thought and spirit was to bring the social development, education and self sectors to the top of the stars. With this aim, in 1985, the development Sanghar Sangram was established in Patharghata, in the southernmost part of Bangladesh, bordering the Bay of Bengal. Initially started as Patharghata Youth Club but later changed to Sangram. Sagar Bidhaut is a society that works towards the development of social development, education and self-sector development of the poor people of the sub-region in order to unite them in a spirit of struggle against injustice, exploitation, torture. At present its programs, manpower and working areas are present all over the Barisal division.
Various institutions founded by him
- Sangram (Organized Rural Development Programme)
- Chowdhury Masum Technical and Business Management College
- Chowdhury Masum Institute of Agriculture and Technology
- Chowdhury Masum Vocational School
- Sangram Healthcare and Diagnostic Centre
- Habibur Rahman Orphanage and Lillah Boarding
- Hafiziya Madrasa of Samsunnah
- Welfare Fund of Patharghata UCCA Ltd
- Chaudhuri Feroza Noorani Girls Shelter and Orphanage
- Chowdhury Firoz Computer Training Institute
- Amena Jame Masjid
- Kurban Ali Memorial Library
- Chaudhuri Habibur Rahman Jame Masjid
- Habibur Rahman Education and Development Fund
- Hatempur Old Age Home (Old Age Home)
As Lifetime Donor Members are
- Patharghata Degree College
- Barguna Darul Uloom Neshariya Kamil Model Madrasah (Aliya Madrasah)
- Patharghata Siddiquiya Senior Madrasa
- Patharghata Jalal Uddin Women's College
- Is a Life Member, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
- Barguna Patient Welfare Society
- Senior Benevolent Society
As executive members are
- National Executive Board Federation of NGOs in Bangladesh (FNB)
- Bangladesh National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors
As the best he
Barguna District Best Cooperative
Barisal Divisional Best Scholar
Best Social Worker of Barguna District
Donor organizations that have received grants from
International level
ACF, Andhery Hilfay (Germany), APHD (Hongkong), BCCRF, CARITAS, Concern World Wide, CWWB, DANIDA, DFID, ECHO, HKI, HSBC, IDB, Oxfam (Codec), Save the children, UNDP, USCC-B, WFP.
Domestic level
Bangladesh Government Education Department, Forest Department, Directorate of Animal Resources, Agriculture Extension Department, Water Development Department, Action Aid Bangladesh, Shapla Neer, Madaripur Legal Aid Association, Bangladesh Bank,PKSF, NGO Forum, CAMPE, COFCON, BSAF, BRAC, DAM, CODEC, IDCOL, SOLARIC, CDD.
Numerical data on assistance provided by Sangram
- Distribution of latrines 67121
- installation of school latrines 59
- water treatment of ponds 20
- rainwater harvesting 123
- sand filters on pond banks 154
- installation of deep pipes 1083
- installation of dustbins 8
- increase of pipe water connection 173
- provision of educational materials 14 schools
- Management of adult education center 145
- cataract surgery 3248 people
- provision of land for teenage meetings 5 percent
- Radio distribution 20
- palm tree planting 50 thousand
- cyclone shelter renovation 2
- palm tree planting 4 thousand
- relief distribution 18
- 580 families
- road construction 43
- road repair 642
- school
- madrasa and other fields filled 7164
- forestation 147. 5 km
- 84.21 hectares of fish farming and handover to fishermen in Jalmahal
- 5196 goats distributed
- 350 vegetable gardens created
- 50 power pumps distributed
- 25 ponds dug
- Renovation of ponds 412
- distribution of golden chickens to 35880
- distribution of chicken rearing materials to 6561 families
- distribution of rickshaws to 18
- construction of box culvert 1
- construction of H BB road 1 km
- distribution of poultry rearing materials to 6561 families
- distribution of free houses to 7010
- Distribution of partial house materials 1823
- distribution of free trawlers and nets 130
- distribution of salt tolerant seeds 31.8 tonnes
- 800 educations for neglected children
- 5 education inclusion for disabled children
- 54 income generation activities for disabled people
- 6402 training for beneficiaries (various duration)
- 650 free sewing machines provided to various companies through the organization Employment of 34 beneficiaries
- Construction of vermining compost fertilizer production farm with earthworms 1040
- distribution of vegetable seeds to farmers 29390
- rehabilitation of beggars (one lakh rupees each) 18
- technical training for 3 months 45
- aids for disabled people 21
- schools
- shelters
- mobility of disabled people ( Construction of ramps) 8
- Distribution of emergency rescue equipment during disaster 11 sets
- Providing lifelong support to senior citizens 201
- Construction of senior social center 2
- Establishment of medical center (Sangram Hospital) 1