Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises
Bangladesh is an agriculture-based country, and a substantial part of our economy depends on agriculture-based production. The main driver of the rural economy of Bangladesh is the different types of Income Generating Activities (IGA) of rural people. Sunflower is a crucial seasonal crop that plays a good role in farmers’ income generation. As a saline-tolerant crop, it grows within three months in the gap between two main yields in the primary and fellow land. Sunflower is a symbiotic plant that produces nodules in its roots that fixes Nitrogen from the air and fills up the shortage of urea fertilizer. After harvesting, the whole body of sunflower is rotten and used as green manure for producing other main crops. Sunflower is an edible oil-yielding plant, and the produced oil contains a health-friendly nutrient value and high priced item in the market. Considering its high price and nutrient value Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) has taken the initiative as a sub-project in the name of “Enhancing Income Generation and Employment Creation through Sunflower Production and Merchandizing” with the financial assistance of the World Bank under its main project Promoting Agriculture Commercialization Enterprises (PACE) by its partner NGOs in the southern coastal belt of Bangladesh.
Duration:December 2022 to June 2023
Sub-Project Name:Enhancing Income Generation and Employment Creation through Sunflower Production and Merchandizing
Donor: World Bank
Budget: 5000000.00 BDT
Partner: Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
Number of Stuff: 4 (PC-01 Agriculture Graduate, Field Promoter-02 Agriculture Diploma, Accountant-01)
Working Area: Patharghata and Bamna upazila of Barguna district.
Project Participants: 800 (Patharghata-500 and Bamna-300).

Promotion of Income Generating Activities producing sunflower that creates employment.
- To increase the production of sunflowers in central and fellow lands.
- To generate employment through sunflower and oil production as well as its merchandising.
Staff deployment; Beneficiaries selection and land preparation; Provide training to the farmers; Provide seed to the farmers, Follow up activities; Establish linkage with oil millers; Establish market linkage, and communicate with buyers.