Program for Geriatric Peoples
PKSF has been undertaking a program since 2006 as part of its multi-dimensional poverty alleviation program called “Program on Developing Lifestyles of Geriatric People” to ensure a dignified, poverty-free, functional, and secure social life for the elders. Sangram is implementing this program in Patharghata Sadar Union and Dowatala Union. Providing necessary support, including creating a favorable environment for the people, financial development, and human dignity of the elderly population, as well as improving the quality of life of the elderly population at all levels through proper, successful, and sustainable implementation of the Elderly Policy formulated by PKSF following the National Elderly Policy 2013 as part of the multi-dimensional program of poverty alleviation.
Name of Project: Program on Developing Lifestyles of Geriatric People
Duration: 1 July 2017 to on going
Implementing Agency: SANGRAM (Sangathita Gramunnyan Karmasuchi)
In collaboration with: Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)
Develop lifestyles of geriatric people addressing their helpless area of needs.
- To build capacity through geriatric allowance and alimony.
- To increase the positive approach of young people to aged persons.
- To make their lives easy by providing assistive devices.
- To make them mentally fresh through recreation and treatment.
Working Area
Union: Patharghata and Dowatala
Upazila: Patharghata and Bamna,
District: Barguna.
All older people of Patharghata Sadar union of Patharghata Upazila and Dowatala union of Bamna Upazila under Barguna district. 1393 senior women and 1644 senior men, a total of 3037 people, were selected through the survey. Among them, 90 women, and 110 men, 200 people, are included in the geriatric allowance. Currently, there are 191 persons alive, 84 women and 107 men, under this program.
Organizational information
A total of 3037 older men and women are included in this program, including 1946 people in the Patharghata Sadar union and 1091 in the Dowatala union. Geriatric Committees have been formed in each ward of the two unions to increase organizational capacity, and 18 committees were formed. Two union committees have been formed in two unions with representatives from ward committees. This committee plays a crucial role in decision-making. This year 108 meetings have been held in these ward committees. In total 738 meetings were held at the ward level. Union committee meetings have been held this year 4, and the total figure is 81.
Geriatric Social Center
A social center for senior citizens in the name of Geriatric Social Center has been set up at Hatempur village of Patharghata upazila. In this building, seniors receive health care and physiotherapy. There are television and entertainment facilities, a library, and regular newspaper reading facilities. Members of this center adopt different philanthropic activities for the benefit of geriatric people.
Geriatric Allowance
Geriatric allowance of Tk. 500 per month is provided to the elderly to change their destitute condition. One hundred ninety-one people are included under this allowance. Hardcore poor senior gets Tk. 2000 per month. Total geriatric allowance has been paid Tk. 5277500.
Encouraging Activities
Under this program, ‘SHRESTHA SANTAN SOMOMANANA’ is given annually to children who serve their parents and the elders. The ‘SHRESTHA PROBIN SOMOMANANA’ is awarded for developing Ideal Children as the award is officially presented in public. As of today above two awards were given subsequently, 21 and 31.
2000 (two thousand) taka is given as a grant after the death of an older person to low-income families in working areas who are not financially well-to-do. So far, funeral payments have been made for deceased senior citizens, and the total figure amounts to Tk. 9.64,000.
Special assistance for older people
Older people always need some daily necessities, but low-income families cannot provide them, so this program provides these items as special assistance. Twenty-six wheelchairs have been provided to disabled senior citizens. Seventy commode chairs have been given. Three hundred ten blankets, 150 sheets, 60 umbrellas, and 140 walking sticks also have been provided to make life easier.
Medical service
Medical service provides to seniors through ENRICH medical coverage and referrals. The same person has been repeatedly treated and was given different treatments. As such, 11741 treatments have been provided to 2311 seniors. Among them, eye surgery has been done on 81 people.
The ‘Parental Service Act-2013’ has been enacted to protect parents in old age. According to this law, every child has to ensure the service to their parents. This program is moving towards the goal of seniors being considered equal. They should be able to walk with everyone equally, and that status should be given to seniors.