SDG Impact

Program Impact and SDGs
Nations, targeting a set of actions and targets contained in the SDGs Declaration, towards inter alias 17 goals (1: No Poverty, 2: Zero Hunger, 3: Good Health and Well-being, 4: Quality Education, 5: Gender Equality , 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 10: Reduced Inequality, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, 13: Climate Action, 14: Life Below Water, 15: Life on Land, 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions and 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal). SANGRAM has made remarkable program impacts in the life and livelihoods including enabling them to access public and private sector services. The program impacts are believed to have contributed towards Bangladesh government’s aim of achieving SDG goals.

SDG Goal-2
SL | Remarks | ||
1 | SDG Goal-2 | End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture | |
2 | SDG Target : | 2.1 and 2.2 | |
3 | Program / Project Name: | Cyclone Bulbul Response Project (CBRP) | |
4 | Program / Project Objective: | To support cyclone Bulbul affected families under emergency response. | |
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | • Inception workshop at district and upazila level. • Area selection. • CHM set up at beneficiary’s selection point. • Beneficiary’s selection. • Special group selection within beneficiaries like lactating mother, over aged, members of Persons with Disability (PWD). • Final selection of beneficiaries and approval from UP Chairman and Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO). • Procurement of seed from Lal Teer Company. • Distribution point selection. • CHM set up at distribution point. • Cash and seed distribution at distribution point. | |
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | Union : Charduani Upazila : Pathorghata. District : Barguna. | |
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | Outcome Identify and select mostly affected household by the cyclone Bulbul. Identify severely affected areas of Charduani union. Identify the special group like disability, old aged, lactating mother within affected beneficiaries. Local administration is aware of mostly affected people of Charduani union. UP Members are known about the selection process of affected beneficiaries. Identify the beneficiaries who are habituated with vegetable cultivation. Finally selected beneficiaries received cash money and summer vegetable seeds. Impact Affected beneficiaries can afford 3 times meal per day. They can buy households level goods from markets. Vegetable gardening has increased in cyclone affected area. | |
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 2.7 | |
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | 500 | |
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | • Cash money (4500/=) and vegetable seed (500/=) received each beneficiary: 450. • Cash money (5500/=) and vegetable seed (500/=) received each beneficiary: 50. | |
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | Cash transfer to the mostly cyclone poor and ultra-poor HHs as they can buy food with own choice. | |
12 | Publication on SDG (if any) | Not applicable | |
13 | Next action plans (if any) | Follow up the activities of vegetable gardening by the beneficiaries. |

SDG Goal-3
SL | Remarks | ||
1 | SDG Goal-3 | Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. | |
2 | SDG Target : | 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4 and 3.7 | |
3 | Program / Project Name: | Enhancement of Resources and Increasing the Capacity of Poor Households towards Elimination of the Poverty (ENRICH). | |
4 | Program / Project Objective: | To enhance the Primary Health Care, Reproductive Health Promotion and Eye Care at community level. | |
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | • Provide treatment to the grass-roots level community people through satellite and static clinics on primary and reproductive health. • Door to door visit by female paramedic doctors for counseling to pregnant and lactating mothers. • Counseling to adolescents girls with special attention for their personal health and hygiene promotion. • Arrange health camps for providing health services to the grass-roots level poor community hiring specialist doctors from Dhaka or Barishal. • Arrange Eye camps with the coordination of Ispahani Islamia Eye Hospital for providing free of cost eye treatment and cataract operation to the poor and ultra-poor people. • Provide health services to the all level people of the community through an established hospital and residential graduate doctor. | |
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | District : Barguna. Upazila : Pathorghata and Bamna Union : Pathorghata Sadar and Dowatala. | |
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | A considerable number of satellite and static clinics were fruitfully operated. Huge number of poor and ultra-poor people of grass-roots level community received free of cost treatment and cataract operation services. About all households of two unions of Pathorghata and Bamna upazila were visited by paramedic doctors. A good number of patients were refereed to Upazila Health Complex. Housewives and adolescents girls were aware by courtyard meetings. Situation of primary health care has improved and number of patients to come at upazila and district level decreased. Conditions of adolescents health at puberty period has developed and awareness raised on reproductive health among the adolescents and their parents. Contagious diseases decreased | |
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 8,55.00 | |
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | 57240 | |
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | Static clinic-822, Services received from static clinic-89161, Satellite clinic-1314, Services received from satellite clinics-29463, Health camp-63, Services received from health camps-10280, Eye camp-10, Services received from Eye camp-1182, Courtyard meetings on health awareness-7675, Diabetes test-4706. | |
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | Health Camp, Eye Camp, Door to Door visit, Courtyard Meetings for Health Awareness. | |
12 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | ||
13 | Next action plans (if any) | Action Plan for the year 2020 Static clinic :1000 Satellite clinic :1500 Health camp :80 Eye camp :15 Courtyard meetings on health awareness: 8000 Diabetes test :5000. |

SDG Goal-4
SL | Remarks | ||
1 | Remarks | Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning | |
2 | SDG Target : | 4.2 | |
3 | Program / Project Name: | Enhancement of Resources and Increasing the Capacity of Poor Households towards Elimination of the Poverty (ENRICH). | |
4 | Program / Project Objective: | To decrease drop out the students at Primary Level | |
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | • Establish 100 Education Centers in Pathorghata and Bamna upazila of Barguna district. • Recruit female teachers with education level SSC and above from the house of respective education center. • Operating classes in Education Centers from class III-V. • Follow the syllabus of government prescribed Primary Schools. • School time is from 3 pm to 5 pm after traditional school hours. • Follow the same curriculum to gearing up the studying condition of students. • Taking frequent class test in short intervals. | |
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | District : Barguna. Upazila : Pathorghata and Bamna Union : Pathorghata Sadar and Dowatala. | |
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | • Establish 100 education centers in two upazila. • 100 female teachers deployed prioritizing poor households. • Dropping out of students at primary level has been decreased. • Number of students at high school level has increased. • Private teaching practice at household level has decreased. • Poor families are free from hiring private teacher at household level. | |
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 8,55.00 | |
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | Number of students: 2555 Female : 1261 Male : 1294 | |
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | Admission in high school at class Nursery to II Female : 1261 Male : 1294 | |
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | |
12 | Publication on SDG (if any) | ||
Next action plans (if any) | Establish education center and admission of students in next year. Education center establish: 50 Female teacher recruitment: 50 Students admission Female: 1500 Male: 1500 |

SDG Goal-6
SL | Remarks | ||
1 | SDG Goal-6 | Clean Water and Sanitation for All | |
2 | SDG Target : | 6.1, 6.2 and 6.4 | |
3 | Program / Project Name: | Enhancement of Resources and Increasing the Capacity of Poor Households towards Elimination of the Poverty (ENRICH). | |
4 | Program / Project Objective: | To ensure water supply for drinking and improving air and water pollution | |
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | • Tube well installation and PSF set up. • Sanitary latrine set up at household and institution level. • Courtyard meetings for improving personal hygiene and sanitation. • Sanitary napkin distribution to the adolescent girls. | |
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | District : Barguna. Upazila : Pathorghata and Bamna Union : Pathorghata Sadar and Dowatala. | |
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | Outcome Latrine set up at community level, Latrine set up at HHs level, Semi deep tube well installation, Deep tube well installation, Pond Sand Filter (PSF) set up at community level, Courtyard meetings are held at community level for awareness raising on primary health and reproductive health promotion. Impact Scarcity of drinking water has decreased. Sanitary situation has increased due to community and household level latrine set up. Out breaking of water borne diseases has decreased in a reasonable extent. Housewives are aware of sanitation, primary health care, child care with breast feeding. Reproductive health situation has improved. | |
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 8,55.00 | |
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | 57240 | |
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | Courtyard meetings for health awareness-9134 Sanitary latrine at community level-120 Sanitary latrine at HHs level-895 Semi-deep tube well-60 Deep tube well-12 Pond Sand Filter (PSF)-13 Sanitary napkin distribution-280 | |
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | Reproductive health awareness and sanitary napkin distribution to the adolescent girls. Ensure pure drinking water at community level. | |
12 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | ||
13 | Next action plans (if any) | Action plan for 2020 Courtyard meetings for health awareness-500 Sanitary latrine at community level-30 Sanitary latrine at HHs level- 100 Deep tube well-15 Pond Sand Filter (PSF)-05 Sanitary napkin distribution-500 |

SDG Goal-8
SL | Remarks | ||
1 | SDG Goal-8 | Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive and employment and decent work for all. | |
2 | SDG Target : | 8.5 | |
3 | Program / Project Name: | Programme for Adolescents. | |
4 | Program / Project Objective: | 1. To improve physical and mental health during puberty period. 2. To build awareness on food security and nutrition, social degradation, avoiding negative attitude s and promoting themselves to bright future in their lives. | |
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | • Formation of Adolescents Club (Girls) • Formation of Adolescents Club (Boys) • Member selection and inclusion • Number of library • School forum formation • Readers with school forum • Events on awareness raising on social norms and values • Participation in awareness raising on social norms and values • Adolescents health activities implementation • Participation in adolescent’s health activities implementation. • Sanitary napkin distribution | |
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | Upazila : Barguna sadar, Pathorghata and Bamna District : Barguna. | |
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | 1. Dignity of adolescent boys and girls, equal rights of men and women will be increased. 2. Discrimination in between men and women, situation of early marriage, eve teasing, sexual harassment, physical and mental abuse will be decreased in remarkable extent. 3. Awareness will be raised on physical and mental health during puberty period. 4. Awareness raising develop on food security and nutrition. Adolescents will able to disseminate the messages in the community. | |
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 0.75 | |
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | 500 | |
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | • Formation of Adolescents Club (Girls)-16 • Formation of Adolescents Club (Boys)-01 • Member selection and inclusion-500 • Number of library-4 • School forum formation-5 • Readers with school forum-963 • Events on awareness raising on social norms and values-3 • Participation in awareness raising on social norms and values-185 • Adolescents health activities implementation-5 • Participation in adolescents health activities implementation-290 • Sanitary napkin distribution-125 | |
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | • Formation of Adolescents Club (Girls) • Formation of Adolescents Club (Boys) • Participation in adolescent’s health activities implementation. • Events on awareness raising on social norms and values • Participation in awareness raising on social norms and values. | |
12 | Publication on SDG (if any) | Has not yet done | |
13 | Next action plans (if any) | These activities will be continued in future. |

SDG Goal-10
SL | Remarks | ||
1 | SDG Goal-10 | Reduce Inequality within and among countries | |
2 | SDG Target : | 10.2 | |
3 | Program / Project Name: | Promotion of Human Rights for the Persons with Disability in Bangladesh(PHRPBD) | |
4 | Program / Project Objective: | To form a disable friendly society in Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali district with effective participation of government, non-government organization and civil society. | |
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | • Regular meetings of SHGs. • Regular meetings of Apex Body. • Plan of activities as per desire of Apex Body. • Inclusion of PWD members in 13 standing committees of union parishad. • Inclusion of PWD members in LGSP-2 Project. • Participation of PWD members in open budget declaration. • Courtyard meetings with guardians of PWD children. • Meetings with teachers. • Meetings with elite persons and mentally disappointed persons. • Inclusion of PWD members with IGAs. • Inclusion of PWD members in education. • Implementation of need based activities • Observation of day. | |
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | Union: Nilgonj, Mithagonj, Baliatoli and Tiakhali. | |
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | Outcome Identified the PWD members of 4 unions. Formed Self-help groups and apex body. Meetings were held in different level like government and local government. Assistive devices and treatment provided to the members of PWD to increase the physical accessibility of PWD members Impact Government as well as local government has aware about rights of PWD members. Physical accessibility of PWD members to different level has increased. | |
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 7.11 | |
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | 250 | |
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | • Self-Help Organizations were formed-10 • Apex body was formed-1 • Meetings were held on the existing government rules and steps are taken-180 • Child protection watch group at the field level and increase their capacity-2 • Legal aid orientations with other stakeholders for the protection of child and women-5 • Orientations to integrate disability into a community clinic-5 • Advocacy meetings at the local government level to activate village courts-2 • PWD members received 28 days training-28 • Regular PRT (Treatment) is providing to PWD members- 19 • Mental ill members were referred to disability foundation at Patuakhali-60 • 20 disable children admitted in to school. • Assistive devices provided -74 PWD members • PWD members employed-5 • PWD members enrolled in disability allowance-40 • PWD members enrolled in VGD Card-20 • PWD members enrolled in IGA Project-75 • PWD members enrolled in Social Safety Net Program-10 • PWD members enrolled in widow allowance-05 • PWD members enrolled in cultural allowance-01 • Meetings with the standing committees of union parishad- 6. • Budget allocation in union parishad by the lobbying of Apex Bodies- 2,75,000.00 Tk. | |
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | • Meetings were held on the existing government rules and steps are taken-180 • Child protection watch group at the field level and increase their capacity-2 • Legal aid orientations with other stakeholders for the protection of child and women-5 • Orientations to integrate disability into a community clinic-5 • Advocacy meetings at the local government level to activate village courts-2 | |
12 | Publication on SDG (if any) | Has not yet been done | |
13 | Next action plans (if any) | Above activities will be continued to June 2021 |

SDG Goal-16
SL | Remarks | |||
1 | SDG Goal-16 | Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels | ||
2 | SDG Target : | 16.1 and 16.2 | ||
3 | Program / Project Name: | Programme on Developing Lifestyles of Geriatric People | ||
4 | Program / Project Objective: | 1. To build capacity through geriatric allowance and alimony. 2. To increase positive approach of young people to the aged persons. 3. To make their lives easy providing assistive devices. 4. To make them mentally fresh through recreation and treatment. | ||
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | 1. Geriatric Allowance 2. Funereal work 3. Best Aged Person Honor 4. Best Child Honor 5. Aged Health Services 6. Special Assistance to Aged Persons 7. Alimony to Helpless Aged Persons 8. Establishment of Geriatric Club. | ||
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | District : Barguna. Upazila : Pathorghata and Bamna Union : Pathorghata Sadar and Dowatala. | ||
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | Outcome Establish a geriatric club. Enrolled geriatric people member. Provide assistive devices and treatment to the geriatric people. Arranged alimony to the helpless aged persons. Impact Aged peoples are mentally and physically upgraded and realized that they are not helpless. Neglecting attitude of the children of aged people has decreased. Aged peoples became more active in their livelihood. Easy access to the health and other services increased for an aged person in government and private sectors. | ||
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 6.12 | ||
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | 3000 | ||
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | • Geriatric people enrollment -3037. • Establish a Geriatric Club -1 • Geriatric Ward Committee Number -3 • Geriatric Union Committee Number -18 • Geriatric Village Committee Meeting -2 • Geriatric Ward Committee Meeting -3 • Geriatric Union Committee Meeting -756 • Geriatric Committee Orientation -60 • Geriatric Village Committee Number -18 • Assist in funeral activity (Number) -270 • Monthly Probin Bhata -3720000/- • Nijvume Abasan -1 • Blanket Distribution -360 • Shawl Distribution -200 • Umbrella Distribution -80 • Commode Chair Distribution -80 • Walking Stick Distribution -200 • While Chair Distribution -16 | ||
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | • Establishment of Geriatric Club. • Best Child Honor. • Best Aged Person Honor. | ||
12 | Publication on SDG (if any) | Has not yet been done | ||
13 | Next action plans (if any) | This project will be continued to the years to come |

SDG Goal-17
SL | Remarks | ||
1 | SDG Goal-17 | Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development | |
2 | SDG Target : | ||
3 | Program / Project Name: | Empowering Local and National Humanitarian Actors (ELNHA) | |
4 | Program / Project Objective: | To build capacity of local NGOs working in Barguna district in terms of promoting partnerships for humanitarian response. | |
5 | Program / Project Activities / components: | • Project Planning / Guide line preparation/ review Workshop. • Community/ School level DRR & CCA activity- simulation learning and replication. • Workshop with multi stakeholders like academic institutions, govt, private sectors, Media, NGOs, Donors, community for Fund raising and participation. • Training on Advocacy and Influence Strategy of lead actors staff. • Training on Capacity building resilience mechanism for lead actors and NGOs . • Advocacy meeting with government and private sector for providing Effective Training and modern equipment for CPP/FSCD. • Post humanitarian response learning workshop at local level. • Workshop with Upazila and District and LGI (UP) representatives for conducting Open Budget focusing on DRR and CCA and taking other support. • Issue based advocacy initiatives (media visit, news coverage ) on coastal embankment and gender and child friendly cyclone center. • TOT on DRR and CCA Lead actor staff for School and community Based Training. • Organized Training/Refreshers on Humanitarian Code of Conducts, DRR, Mitigation, Adaptation and Response at UP level. | |
6 | Program / Project area: (District, Upazila, Union) | Union : Pathorghata sadar, Charduani and Gulishakhali Upazila : Pathorghata and Amtali. District : Barguna. | |
7 | Program / Project outcome/ impact (if any): | Outcome Staffs of different NGOs received ToT. Simulation on CCA, DRR held at school level. Staffs of Lead Actors received training on Advocacy and Influencing. Staffs of Lead Actors and NGOs received training on resilience mechanism. Stakeholder workshop held for community based pool funding. Upazila level workshop held on post humanitarian response. Workshops held on UP level budget focus emphasizing DRR and CCA. Training conducted with the members of local bodies at UP level. Impact Trainers are available at local NGO level for conducting training at local level. Some local NGOs became eligible for direct funding. Need not to hire trainers from Dhaka level. | |
8 | Program / Project cost in BDT (million) | 7.00 | |
9 | Program / Project beneficiaries number : | 250 | |
10 | Program / Project achievements in number (if any) | • ToT received on CCA and DRR: 30 • Simulation on DRR: 2 Schools with 100 students. • Stakeholder workshop: 35 participants. • Workshop on humanitarian response: 40 • Training on CCA and DRR to UP Chairman and Members: 90. • Training on Advocacy and Influencing: 25. • Training on Resilience Mechanisms: 60. • School level DRR and CCA Training: 140 Schools | |
11 | Remarkable activity on SDG (if any) | Capacity builds up training on partnerships development. | |
12 | Publication on SDG (if any) | Not applicable | |
13 | Next action plans (if any) | • Update HR Policies and different documents of local NGOs. • Partnership networking activities. • Linkage builds up in between donors and local NGOs. • Training provides to the NGO staffs on different issues. • Advocacy with coastal embankment and forestation. • Update disaster management plan at district level. • Prepare GIS based information system. |