SANGRAM is a non-government developmental organization established in 1985. SANGRAM started its activities from Pathoghata Upazilla of Barguna district adjacent to the Bay of Bengal. Day to day SANGRAM is working to make substantive development of socio-economically back footed people in the all districts of Barisal division. SANGRAM believes that there is a sufficient capacity is in cryptic position within the human being that can be make free vulnerable community from the ironic band of helpless and in humanitarian conditions and for that peoples participation is indispensable in development process. Due to the present socio-economic structure poor people are encompassed by the poverty circle even they become victim of social injustice. Due to the excluding trend of poor people from the main stream of development their spiritual power always remain unrevealed.
Basically SANGRAM works in coastal area. Naturally peoples of this area are the victim of all types of disaster. Due to worse communication, threatened marine livelihoods and continuous disaster prone area the lives of the people of this area is separate than the normal livelihoods of other area. Hence the people of this area are neglected, deprived and poverty sick. There is a great possibility earning sources from the Bay of Bengal, on the other hand incessant disaster in season and out of season has distressed the livelihoods of the people seriously. Landlessness, social conflict, insufficient economic support, weak law and order situation, marine robbers, lack of work, insufficient sanitary situation make extreme vulnerable the livelihoods of this area. Maximum people of this area depend on marine resources. Fishing in the sea and fish culture is the main profession of the people. Fishermen are being poor for the decrement trend of fishing and fish farming. More salinity has disrupted the normal situation of agriculture. Moreover cyclone, flash flood, irregular and frequent natural disaster seize the lives of the people. Famine breaks out in this area during the month of July-September. SANGRAM has been working for awareness development aiming to promote positive change of target people, assist people for decision making, how to start and continue something for the betterment of their lives. Such changes brings disadvantaged community in the main stream of development and thus they learn to represent community towards the substantive development. SANGRAM hopes economic development of the community emphasizing the importance of empowerment.
To promote food security, literacy, skill development, health promotion and nutrition, micro finance for income generation that relates poverty alleviation and the life leading towards economic advancement that will diversify rural livelihood for climate change.
SANGRAM works as a bridge in terms of establishing effective linkage among the local government, government service providers and disadvantaged community

Socio-economic and humanitarian development of disadvantaged vulnerable community of coastal belt.
- To form dynamic groups for the integration of back footed man and women.
- To build habit of savings of poor and low income based people.
- To divert manpower to human resources providing training of human and skill development.
- To create employment of target people.
- To ensure maximum use of local resources.
- To provide credit to the profitable IGAs for employment creation and self-sustainability.
- To provide assistance to the coastal people for the promotion of using safe water, sanitary latrine and habituation with health related activities.
- To promote nutrition and health awareness in disadvantaged community.

- Integrity
- Inclusiveness
- Innovation
- Unity
- Diversity
- Transparency
Thematic Area
- Education and Technology
- Disaster risk reduction and rehabilitation
- Sustainable agriculture, Environment and Climate change
- Health, Sanitation and Nutrition
- Gender equality and empowering women
- Poverty alleviation and livelihood
- Disability and inclusive development
- Globalization and economic justice
- Humanitarian Response

Strategic Objectives
- To adapt vulnerable community in terms of sustainable existence in the diversified environmental situation.
- To include Cash Transfer Programming as a main component of training.
- To increase situation of Food Security in the vulnerable coastal belt community.
- To ensure water supply and sanitation in the grass-roots level.
- To build capacity of local government institutions in order to ensure sanitation and Disaster Risk Reduction.
- To ensure women participation in decision makes and equal sharing with opposite sex.
- To habituate to Cash Transfer Programming at beneficiaries’ level.
- To enhance Income Generating Activities (IGAs) in terms of promoting daily income of grass-roots level people.
- To adapt Cash Transfer Programming in all areas of work to address humanitarian issues.
- Assist the coastal people to promote safe water, sanitary latrine, and habituation with health-related activities.
- Provide assistance to the coastal people for the promotion of using safe water, sanitary latrine and habituation with health related activities.
- Nutrition and health awareness development for disadvantaged community.
- Promote environmental sustainability through developing social forestry and its conservation.
- Awareness development through the program implementation of SVAW.
- Awareness building through the implementation of children rights program.
- Make positive changes and support sustainable development of the environment regarding proper management of natural resources that will lead to the organization towards millennium development goal.